To Get

  1. Choose a product or service that you want to sell.
  2. Put it on a sales page that converts.
  3. Set up automated emails that point to it.
  4. Collect email addresses when cold calling, talking to people and networking. 
  5.  Have a page of private forms to fill in, that trigger the automations


Websites don't 'sell' - Here's why...

People talk about themselves and their business – Viewers switch off.

People only really use your website to check to see if you are real.

There is usually too much information about too many things.

Sales/Landing Pages definitely 'sell' - you need one!

We Build:

Your Sales/Landing Page.

customer research

We look closely at your customer base, so that we can target them with your landing page.

design & build

We do it all: graphics, design and all sales copy.

URL, Hosting and emails

We buy you a URL, host the website for 12 months, give you an email address and add in forms and email responders.

We Set Up Email Automations:

From a Quick Form - to an Email Sent.

The contact is added to your CRM and an ongoing EMAIL Automation.

We create your forms for you: 

  1. ‘People I Met Networking’
  2. ‘Random People I talk To’
  3.  ‘Prospects from a Telephone Convo’

We write all of the emails and have them ready to go.

If you don’t have a CRM, we can recommend ENGAGEBAY and set it all up for you (for a small fee)


People love us...

I tried this in November 21, so far I have had more customers from my beast blog than the $6,000 I have spent on Facebook ads. I have ordered 2 more.
Gary Woolerton
I loved the idea of content driving sales. I hate paying google ad prices. So far, so excellent.
Martin Swain
launch sale price


Normal Full Price – £899

Terms and Conditions:

Only 2 deals per customer.

Hosting is for 12 months – afterward: you can opt to host yourself or pay £10 per month.

EngageBay or Klavio may charge a separate monthly fee to use.